
Our insights contextualize the issues that matter by exploring the topics that are most relevant to your business.

Defining an Accelerated Go-To-Market Strategy for a Green Hydrogen Plant Developer

Juli 16, 2024—FTI Consulting was engaged by the developer of a European green hydrogen production plant to assist in securing off-take agreements for its production.

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Restaurant Predictions for the Next 12 Months

Juli 01, 2024—The restaurant landscape continues to transform from a traditional industry with centuries-long standards to a dynamic sector that moves with the times.

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How To Design Sector-Specific Public Financial Support for Decarbonization

Juni 26, 2024—Discover a new FTI Consulting white paper on Energy Transition – How to design and justify sector-specific public financial support for decarbonization?

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What Major Financial Institutions Expect for the Second Half of 2024

Juni 25, 2024—Institutions are much more confident in their mid-year 2024 outlook than they were in end 2023: the macroeconomic outlook is positive.

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Due Diligences and Transactions in Gas and LNG Sector

Juni 25, 2024—FTI Consulting Energy Team offers due diligence and transaction advisory for Gas and LNG sectors, leveraging global expertise and proprietary models.

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Investigations of Alleged Embezzlement

Juni 18, 2024—FTI Consulting assisted a French listed company with an investigation on alleged embezzlement and subsequent identification of misappropriated assets.

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Untangling a $500 Million Oil and Gas Dispute for a Joint Venture Client

Juni 05, 2024—A global FTI Consulting team provided expert causation data, forensic delay analysis and quantification of damages and loss of profits in a contract dispute.

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Getting Planning and Costs Back on Track at a European Pharmaceutical Company

Mai 22, 2024—FTI provided audit and project management support to control runaway CAPEX and deliver a new production line for an emblematic compound for the group.

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Delivering Steady and Strategic Global Communications During and After a Reputational Crisis at a French Multinational

Mai 23, 2024—FTI Consulting in France advised a French multinational manufacturer confronted with reputation issues linked to a product safety crisis.

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Post-M&A Arbitration

April 25, 2024—FTI Consulting was commissioned to act as an expert witness in an ICC arbitration of a dispute over actions taken to mitigate the impact of COVID-19.

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Measuring the Power of French Leadership Voices on LinkedIn

März 19, 2024—FTI Consulting’s third annual Leading from the Front report shares analysis of CAC40 CEOs’ and business leaders' engagement on social media.

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French Governance Snapshot

März 13, 2024—As French companies finalise any potential amendments to governance and remuneration arrangements, we set out considerations on areas likely to draw scrutiny.

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The Role of Government Relations in 2024

Februar 06, 2024—2024 calls for CEOs to invest in Public Affairs capabilities to mitigate the risks of an uncertain regulatory, geopolitical and institutional environment.

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What Major Financial Institutions Expect for 2024

Januar 15, 2024—Clarity in plurality. In an uncertain time, don't just trust one opinion, dare to trust many by discovering the different projections for 2024.

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Development of a Green Fertilizer Support Scheme in Europe

Oktober 17, 2023—FTI Consulting advised a global fertilizer producer, with a presence in Europe, impacted by the ambitious decarbonization agenda of the European Union.

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West Africa: Redesign of Electricity Tariffs for the Ministry of Energy

Oktober 13, 2023—FTI Consulting supported the Ministry of Energy (of a West Africa country) to redesign its electricity tariffs for the period 2024-2035.

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Green Hydrogen Transportation Tariff Under Three Policy Scenarios

April 24, 2023—This study provides a high-level analysis of different hydrogen transportation tariff options to support the way forward for a hydrogen network in Europe.

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Dispute Between the Operator of a Toll Road Concession in Latin America and Its Grantor

April 25, 2023—The operator of a toll road concession alleges it was precluded to carry out the construction and subsequent operation of certain tranches of the concession.

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Reinforcing Gas Security of Supply Following Ukraine’s Invasion

April 20, 2023—Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, most European governments swiftly enacted new measures aiming at reinforcing their security of gas supply.

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What Major Financial Institutions Expect for 2023

Februar 22, 2023—FTI Consulting has summarized the outlook for 2023 of major financial institutions and has drawn up a summary of key topics for the coming months.

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Assessment of the Impact of High Energy Prices on the Competitiveness of France’s Chemical Industry

Februar 06, 2023—FTI Consulting was selected by France Chimie to study the impact of differing energy prices on the competitiveness of the national chemical industry.

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Support to the Togolese State for the Negotiation of a PV Solar Power Plant

Dezember 15, 2022—FTI Consulting advised Togo’s Ministry of Energy and Mining of the negotiation of a solar power plant and battery electricity storage project contracts.

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Loss of Profits of a Service Company Following Its Expropriation

November 15, 2022—FTI Consulting was instructed to estimate the damages suffered by a producer and distributor of prepaid vouchers following its illegal expropriation.

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Damages Related to a Shareholder Dispute in the Insurance and Banking Sector

November 15, 2022—FTI Consulting assessed the damages suffered by two companies that acquired a minority stake in a group operating in the insurance sector in Africa.

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Economic Regulation of State-Investor Relations in African Infrastructure

Oktober 14, 2022—We have carried out numerous assignments with public agencies and African governments on all phases of PPPs in the gas, power and renewable energy sectors.

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Leading From the Front: The Social CEO Goes Mainstream

Februar 28, 2023—CEOs and business leaders engaging on social media is now the norm. CEOs publishing the odd tweet or LinkedIn post strengthens stakeholder relationships.

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The Effective Use of Expert Witnesses in France

Mai 26, 2022—Party appointed experts are increasingly being used in French litigation. In this article, we consider the specificities of the use of expert witnesses.

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New LNG Regasification Terminals in Europe

Mai 24, 2022—Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) appears to be a solution for many European countries to diversify natural gas supply and cut reliance on Russian gas.

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Shareholder Dispute

April 18, 2022—FTI Consulting was instructed by the minority shareholder of a holding company to give its opinion on the conditions of the disputed sale transaction.

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Damage Related to the Performance of a Distribution Contract

April 14, 2022—FTI Consulting was instructed by the respondent patent distributor to analyse the expert’s report submitted in support of the rights holder’s claim.

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Damage Resulting From the Non-Performance of an Assignment Contract

April 14, 2022—FTI Consulting was appointed as an independent expert by an investor selling shopping centers to value its losses following the cancellation of the sale.

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Damage Resulting From the Termination of a Franchise Agreement

April 14, 2022—A franchisor in the fast-food sector terminated the contract of its franchisee after two years because the schedule for opening restaurants was not met.

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Damage Resulting From Unfair Competition

April 12, 2022—FTI Consulting gave its independent expert opinion on damage claimed by a pharmaceutical company that produced a disputed communication by a competitor.

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Damage Resulting From Anti-Competitive Practices

April 07, 2022—FTI Consulting was instructed by a manufacturer, accused by a retail group following anti-competitive practices, to analyse the damage claimed.

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Damage Caused by the Failure of an IT Project

April 06, 2022—FTI Consulting was engaged by an IT service provider to provide its opinion on the claimed loss by a publishing group following the failure of a project.

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Damage Resulting From a Breach of a Commercial Relationship

April 06, 2022—Following a breach of commercial relations, FTI Consulting provided an independent opinion on the loss from the insufficient notice period granted.

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Management Dispute

April 04, 2022—FTI Consulting was appointed by a service company to give its opinion on the damages caused by the mismanagement of the dismissed former manager.

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Post-Acquisition Litigation

April 04, 2022—FTI Consulting was appointed by the buyer of retirement homes to give its opinion on the financial impact of the disputed transactions by the seller.

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Business Interruption Damage

März 31, 2022—FTI Consulting was appointed by a hypermarket located on a public highway undergoing major disruptions due to construction work, to assess the losses.

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INDepth: Corporate Fraud & Corruption 2022

März 29, 2022—FTI Consulting’s Karl Payeur and Cyril Naudin give their insights on the latest trends in corporate fraud & corruption in France in Financier Worldwide.

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Europe Can Cease Its Reliance on Russian Gas Imports by the End of 2025

März 23, 2022—In this white paper, we look at the review of recent European gas prices, and our analysis of the possible European gas supply and demand evolutions.

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Arbitration Proceedings: Provision of Expert Evidence in Construction and Engineering Disputes…an Expert View

Februar 02, 2022—This booklet relates to the quality and production of expert evidence and explains the roles and expectations of experts in arbitration proceedings.

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Valuation European Gas Midstream Retail Companies

März 01, 2021—A state-owned energy company commissioned FTI Consulting to appraise a dozen European subsidiaries operating in the midstream and downstream gas industry.

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Electricity Interconnection

Februar 03, 2021—European countries have expressed an ambition to achieve Net Zero emissions targets by 2050. However, such ambitions pose challenges to the power markets.

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Project Financing - Review of Mozambique LNG

November 23, 2020—Despite COVID-19 and the impact of lockdown measures on global economic activity, one of the largest infrastructure financing deals to date was closed.

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LNG Contract Renegotiation

November 11, 2020—FTI Consulting was retained by an LNG producer to conduct an assessment of the value of gas in the destination market and the value of LNG flexibility.

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Small-Scale LNG Markets in Europe

November 11, 2020—FTI Consulting provided advice to a major player in the upstream and midstream LNG industry who was considering market entry in small-scale LNG in Europe.

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Design of LNG Short-Term Tender

November 10, 2020—FTI Consulting helped a natural gas Transmission System Operator (TSO) to secure a flow commitment from LNG imports to get a short-term LNG purchase tender.

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